Yes, earth hour!!! Have you heard about it? Earth Hour was first celebrated two years ago in Sydney, Australia, when 2.2 million people and thousands of businesses turned out their lights, allowing the message about climate change to shine brightly.In March 2008, Earth Hour went global. More than 400 cities, thousands of businesses and over 50 million people around the world turned off their lights for one hour to demonstrate their commitment to slowing the effects of climate change.
On March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm tens of millions of people in hundreds of cities around the world will come together once again to make a bold statement about their concern about climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. Earth Hour symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in the fight against climate change.
Were you part of it?As for me, i can proudly say that i was part of it!! =) The moment the clock strike 8.30pm, i switched off all the lights in my house. Well, except the TV or it'll be pitch dark!! I ate my dinner in the dark while watching The Fast And the Furious on channel 5!! Cool but my eyes hurt a little after that. =/ Anyway, it was a great movie. Do be home at 7pm this Saturday to catch 2Fast 2Furious on channel 5, and do wave to Vin Diesel!! =x Anyway, while watching the movie in pitch dark, i didn't know what i was eating and i do hope that no fly nor insect flew onto my plate because if it did, I'm pretty sure i ate it (yucks!!)
Looking through my little window, I can say that Singapore is a tad darker during that particularly hour. =) Okay, I feel like a spokesperson for earth hour!! =x
Oh did i mention, my wonderful boyfriend told me that he switched off his car's headlights to celebrate the joyous occasion. haha.. I doubt he did that!! He's lying to me!!! =x
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